OUR About Us
Saraswati Vidya Mandir Education Group is a premier day boarding school offering a world
class in close proximity to Udaji Ka Gada ,Ghatol ,Banswara The school offers an national
platform with a perfect blend of technology, modern pedagogy, culture and innovation.
facilities. Saraswati Vidya Mandir Education Group follows both the national and the
International curriculum.
The purpose of Saraswati Vidya Mandir Education Group is to prepare students with promise
for higher education and lifelong learning and to enhance their intellectual, physical,
social, emotional, spiritual, and artistic growth so that they may realize their power for
good as citizens of local and world communities. We recognize that such growth is best
nourished in an environment that honours and respects not only a diversity of ideas,
perspectives, experiences, and traditions, but also a diversity of peoples within our
We acknowledge that a learning environment that welcomes and encourages diversity provides
an invaluable opportunity for all, students and adults alike, to develop the skills and
appreciation necessary to become vital, contributing members of our increasingly diverse
local and global communities. Exposure to a variety of ideas and perspectives enriches
student learning as it encourages critical thinking, open mindedness, flexibility,
creativity, and problem solving. Because the formative years that a student spends at
Saraswati Vidya Mandir Education Group is the most impressionable, we believe there is no
better time to teach a child to value a diversity of cultures, to honour a variety of
traditions, and to respect the contributions of all people.
Therefore, Saraswati Vidya Mandir Education Group is committed to the development and
maintenance of an inclusive community in which racial, religious, economic, and other
diverse groups are welcomed.